
The Importance Of Values And Contributions In My Life

Decent Essays

A legacy can mean anything to anyone. Someone’s perspective on a legacy today can be completely different from someone’s perspective millions of years ago. This has to do with first off, how much our world has changed, and second everyone has different opinions and views on life. To me, a legacy is about leaving stories for when you’re not around to tell them anymore. While a legacy may mean different things to different people, it’s all about one thing. It’s about the words you speak and the deeds you do that form the history you will leave behind. Whether it’s good or bad, this forms your legacy. What I choose to do with my life, the big and small choices I make in life, and what I want to leave behind all form the legacy that I will leave behind for future generations to come. As a senior in high school it is expected that I make a choice that may or may not decide what I will do for the rest of my life. Whether I choose to go to college or not, and whatever career choice I make will form a part of my legacy. Personally I believe whatever career choice is made by a person, will affect future generations. A doctor, a teacher, a psychologist, a chef, a business man or woman, a hairdresser, or a childcare worker will all show an effect. A doctor can save a life, a chef can inspire someone to keep the food industry going, a business man or woman can implement new ideas into the business world. The technology, ideas, and new discoveries in today’s time would not have come

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