
The Importance Of Volunteering For Your Volunteer Service

Decent Essays

There are a number of ways in which I plan to make a difference to the world, one way of offering my volunteer services to a number of organizations that I am assisting with. As a member the AAUW of Redlands I plan to make a difference by committing to help support local women in the community that hope to empower themselves in many aspects of their lives. Volunteering for me means that I am able to provide support to anyone that needs it thus, this not only enable’s me to meet new people, but make friends and form a lasting relationship with others that have the same vision and drive as me. I believe that volunteering is just one form of how you can help make a difference to someone, but there are simpler ways to make a difference too, such as helping your disabled neighbor with running errands and picking up a few items from the local grocery store for them. This is what I do for my neighbor and she appreciates the help and I feel a sense of satisfaction that I have helped make life little easier for my neighbor. We support each other when we can and it is quite a blessing to be able to help and support each other when in need. I also help at my son’s soccer team as a parent volunteer in the CAPS Program run by the Loma Linda University Church. It is a program that aims to promote healthy living habits for children and the Goal4Health is a soccer program which enables all ages of children to take part in a sporting physical activity to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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