
The Importance Of Weapon Control In The United States

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In America weapons have been a piece of the nation’s general public. All throughout history the natives of the US have use guns to ensure the country, secure their families, chase for nourishments and take part in the sporting activities. The issue of gun and weapon control is overwhelming. The definition of gun control is: government regulation of possession and use of firearms by private citizens. In order to purchase a weapon you must go through some background checks. In this month's issue of Preventive Medicine, Sen and Panjamapirom (2012) explored the association between background checks on an individual seeking to purchase a gun and firearm deaths across U.S. They watched that firearm retailers could check no less than six “foundation” …show more content…

The capacity to possess a firearm is considered by some inheritance of Americans. Notwithstanding, with handgun laws must turn out to be stricter keeping in mind the end goal to lessen murder and wrongdoing. Because there haven’t been strict laws there has been many shootings and innocent people have died. Yes it is good to have guns for protection but in most cases people who buy guns end up killing other people. A few individuals are for new firearm control laws, however I am one of the numerous that are against them. It may appear glaringly evident why individuals bolster weapon control they need to decrease violence, and trust that firearm control will achieve this objective. They observe that two studies find that gun controls reduce violent crimes, two have mixed results, and nine find no reduction in crime because of gun control (Kleck and Patterson 1993: 254). There will be people that will argue that by having a gun it can help reduce crime. Thus, the statistical analysis of the 1999 state data provides no evidence that gun control reduces crime rates. Kleck 1996 predicted that if people supported gun control primarily as a tool for reducing crime, one would expect support to be higher among those who suffered from, or feared crime the most, and thus were more strongly motivated to seek solutions to the problem. With this being said we can see that those who were victims of gun …show more content…

In a Kansas survey conducted immediately after the Columbine school shootings, Haider-Markel and Joslyn in 2001 found that even following a prologue explicitly blaming the shootings on “weak gun control laws,” when respondents were asked “who or most to blame” for the murders, only one in six attributed the murders to weak gun control (p. 532). Even these people that were surveyed believe/ blame the shooting because of the weak gun control laws. I believe that with fewer guns it can help reduce crimes, and homicides. Yes, guns can be good to help you keep safe but they shouldn’t get into the wrong hands of those people who aren’t mentally good. This is a long going debating issue weather guns are good to help keep society safe or is it going to cause harm. Those who have confidence that the police can shield them from lawbreakers support or believe in firearm control; controversies, those who think that they cannot depend on the police put their confidence in the firearms, and restrict the more grounded types of firearms that may incapacitate

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