Did you know that four out of five students are not proficient writers? In 2011, a nationwide test found that only 24 percent of students in eighth through 12th grades were proficient in writing, and just 3 percent were advanced. Even with technology at our figure tips, only 27 percent of students are able to write well-developed essays with proper language used. Writing is considered not enjoyable by most, just 53 percent of girls like to write and 35 percent of boys and from all those statistics I stated each one has something to do with me being a writer. Like many other people I have trouble writing, trying to create something out of nothing is extremely hard and all I could ever do is stare at a blank page. Like any other essay I’ve ever done I was struggling to figure out what to write about for this narrative; all I could say was “writing hasn’t changed my life, I am horrible at it there is absolutely nothing to write about.” but then eureka hit me and I realized this is perfect. Why not write about writers block but not the temporary one, the writer’s block that is continuous I call it forever block. Ever since I was a child and still to this day I’ve always struggled with writing any kind of essay. I have a very vivid memory of when I was in 5th grade literature, sitting at this enormous table with one pencil and a piece of paper feeling like SpongeBob; completely frying my brain trying to figure out what to write for the entire 50 minutes of the
My relationship with writing is hard, my writing doesn’t always flow well. My writing also doesn’t always come easily to me. More often than not, I have to sit and think for long periods of time, for to come up with ideas on how to start my essays. When I start with paper and pen my hand will start aching, and that makes it difficult to concentrate on what I am trying to express through my writing as it takes my mind off what I am currently thinking of writing down. Writing is the course I have always struggled with the most throughout high school, and through my first year of college.
Writing is an essential tool and has been noted as a precursor for great speaking by teachers at all grade levels. However, with writing being an important aspect throughout one’s academic career and beyond, it is one of the most tedious tasks to teach. It sounds like a cliché, but in order to get better at something, one has to keep completing the task and each time, accomplish something different while maintaining prior knowledge. There are various ways that enhance a student’s writing abilities and the focus of these research strategies will prove that encouraging students to write enhances writing.
Dr. Mike Rose (1984) was the/is Director of the Freshman Writing Program at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). His book, Writer’s Block: The Cognitive Dimension, has been partly funded and copyrighted by the Conference on College Composition and Communication of the National Council of Teacher’s of English. During the mid-seventies to mid-eighties, Dr. Rose is one of the first people who re-diagnose [redefines] writer’s block as a mental struggle that the majority of people’s brains struggle with. Most people in circa eighteenth century to 1950’s, thought that writer’s block was a mental illness or was related to one. In Dr. Rose’s book Writer’s Block: The Cognitive Dimension, he explains why some people may have trouble writing; but it is not considered as writer’s block. “One reason someone might have
It is hard for me to focus on writing. When you read my writings, it is very obvious within the first paragraph. My work is much better, and more enjoyable to read, when I write in a quiet place with few distractions. My teachers never really questioned my writing until 10th grade. I could wait till the night before a paper was due, crank one out in under an hour, and the teacher would use it for an example paper in class the next day. Ms. Yard, my 10th grade teacher, was the first to call my writing bluff. I learned that writing was much more then writing. In order to have a good writing piece, as explained in “What Writing Is”, you have to be able to write something that is
Let's be honest, I'm not the best writer. I have had to write paper after paper for about 12 weeks. Writing isn’t my strong suit and I don't think it will ever be a strong suit of mine. During the 12 weeks of composition class, I have seen improvement in my writing. Many people don’t like writing but writing skills are needed in life. I'm a junior in high school and if I want to get scholarships for college, I'm going to need to write essays. Whether I become a plumber or a CEO I need writing skills.
Writers block is a chronic condition plaguing many writers today. This is a serious problem in the writing community but I will attempt to shed some light on things and help someone today.
Some writers experience writer's block, not because of the sole reason that they can't write anything. Sometimes, they lose hope in writing something eloquent.
It was another average school night and the red letters on my alarm clock read midnight. My tired eyes stared at the blank word document on the laptop, my mind devoid of ideas. The prompt for this week’s creative writing essay was about bizarre situations. Usually, my mind would be overflowing with ideas like a river, and I would get the assignment done on the first day. Three days passed, and I still had no ideas. I was officially afflicted with the notorious writer’s block I had heard so much of. There was this feeling of having an empty void in my mind, and having uncertainty over what to write next, whether it is over the prompt or the next words. Closing the laptop in defeat and accepting the reality that I would receive a failing grade for the paper, I shut the laptop and trudged over to my bed and dove under the covers. At least I would not suffer the consequences of my actions in the temporary
It is essential to understand that classes taken in grade school do not give students a full understanding of each subject. With the topic of writing, there will always be a new lesson to learn, an aspect to improve, or a differing way to explain. Author Craig Vetter states in Bonehead Writing, “This is your enemy: a perfectly empty sheet of paper. Nothing will ever happen here except what you make happen.” Each story, essay, or response comes from a writer’s experiences. With each attempt at a new piece comes an underlying story of emotions the writer is facing. Each person’s writing is unique and the ideas people have are related to their past experiences and what they believe to be familiar with when deciding which writing style to use. As a high school student, I have learned many things about writing that helped me become the improved writer I am today, but the most essential advice I have received is practice makes perfect. Although there is no actual perfect way of writing, I have discovered that each essay I write, my writing improves. It is easier to spot mistakes, find areas to improve, and ponder elevated word choice to use.
Writing is the ability to form words and phrases into a well thought-out idea. However, many people find writing to be difficult and tedious at times. Even professional writers have reported episodes of “Writer’s Block”. Nonetheless, writing is a fundamental practice of an educated individual. In order to become a great writer one must examine their strengths, weakness, and strategies for perfecting the art of writing.
Writing is part of our daily lives, especially in school. We depend on literature and writing for assignments and sneakily talking to friends across the building. It is something we wouldn’t be able to function without. That doesn’t mean writing is always easy.
Ever since I was little, I have always had the talent to write. During elementary school, I was the girl who wrote mini books to share with friends and told long fantasy stories that I wrote during lunchtime. Things such as essays, research papers, or creative writing assignments have always been written in a breeze. Writing is one skill that comes natural to me and has never been a task that I have struggled to do. Writing is special to me since it allows me to express my ideas, thoughts, and aspects of myself in a multitude of ways- poetry, songs, stories, and speeches; writing has given me endless forms of self-expression. Similarly to school, writing is something that makes me think. Writing is a talent that takes up all of my brainpower
Writing papers and essays has always been something that I have struggled with. Throughout high school, I did fairly well on essays and research papers, but writing at a college level has proven to be very difficult for me. I feel that I have never been able to succeed in writing in the way that I had hoped and envisioned I would. When I get an essay assignment, it is easy for me to think of what I want to write my paper on. But when it comes down to actually writing the essay, I always struggle with either grammar or getting the main point across to the reader. These two issues have been difficult for me to overcome, no matter how much teaching I get or revising I do. However, throughout the semester I think that the feedback from
Writing has always been something I dread. It’s weird because I love talking and telling stories, but the moment I have to write it all down on paper, I become frantic. It’s almost as if a horse race just begun in my mind, with hundreds of horses, or words, running through my mind, unable to place them in chronological order. Because I struggle to form satisfying sentence structure, it takes me hours, sometimes even days, to write one paper. It’s not that I think I’m a “bad writer,” I just get discouraged easily. Needless to say, I don’t think highly of my writing skills. When I was little I loved to both read and write. I read just about any book I could get my hands on, and my journal was my go to for my daily adventures. Although it’s
Writing from sources is very important for academic inquiry. It plays an important role in publication as well. Writing from the sources in introductory writing sources devoted to research writing, critical thinking, analysis, and argument. Writing from sources made people to write some valuable research on summary. Students have to be sure that they are using the right sources, and they are understanding the material. The main reason for patch writing on papers is that students do not understand the material. Students have to understand the subject to be able to write a good summary and analysis. Students usually patch writing on papers when they don’t understand the material. I used to do the same thing when I couldn’t understand the subject. Analyzing the material and trying to avoid becoming confused by data smog, can help students to avoid patch writing.