
The Importance Of Youth Sports

Decent Essays

Do you think that sports are good for kids? The american youth mission statement is, “The mission of America’s youth sport is to enable communities to empower children through sports and media, as well as through positive reinforcement through education.” Youth sports attract millions of children. The main focus of youth sports is to keep kids safe, but have fun. Youth sports are helpful because playing sports helps set goals, can help gain friendships, and has a positive effect on grades, One must admit that there are some downfalls to youth sports. Parents place a lot of pressure on youth athletes, the injury rate has increased greatly, and sports are lopsided compared to other extra curricular activities. However, there are many parents realizing their mistakes and help their kids have a fun experience in sports. Same schools are investing in safer equipment. Schools are realizing that lopsidedness of sports, and acknowledging other activities as well. First, playing sports helps kids set goals, because winning is always a goal in sports. In the video, “How much is too much?”, a sophomore, Andre Gregory, says, ““I’d like to go to a good college, have a good life, good education, when I get older.” This sophomore plays basketball and baseball. He already has goals set for his future, which shows that he has his mind set to achieve them. Also, in the article, “Are High School Sports Good for Kids?” says, “Leading youth development experts contend that one of the potential benefits of sports participation is the development of initiative or the ability to set and go after goals, which is part of the competitive process.” When a kid joins a sport, they will get at least a little competitive. These coaches are placing competitiveness in them, which makes them not only competitive in sports, but in life too. Next, playing sports can help you gain friendships, because you meet players from other teams and towns. Shown in the video, “Notebook: Kids and Sports”, it says, “A new study from the University of Albertis says that playing sports not only gives kids confidence, it can also give them more rewarding friendships.” This quote comes right out and says exactly what it is saying, playing sports gives you

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