
The Importance Of Zero Julerance

Decent Essays

“Ethics are the foundation of the criminal justice system. It’s what helped us develop the moral reasoning we use, how we define criminal activity, and what we as a society deem as acceptable punishment” (Gruber, 2017). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online (n.d.), ethics are “the principles of conduct governing and individual or a profession.” Juveniles who get in trouble at school are being kicked out and into the juvenile justice system due to the zero tolerance policies that a lot of schools have put into place. The zero tolerance policies have criminalized school rules. School resource officers have taken minor violations by students into the criminal justice system instead of being handled inside the school.
Furthermore, the zero tolerance policies that were put in place was because of the hike in crime that was being committed by juveniles in schools. “Zero tolerance policies ushered in during the 1990’s coincided with the misguided ‘tough-on-juvenile’ policies premised on the now discredited ‘teenage superpredator’ label. These policies resulted in more kids being kicked out of school and into the justice system” (YAP, 2012). Schools thought that by getting rid of the “bad kids” they would be able to have the other kids do well. Many of the “bad kids” were kids that had suffered some sort of trauma. Kids who suffer trauma at an early age learn aggression as a vital response. When schools kick out the kids because of their behavior, without understanding

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