
The Importance of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Trials Essay

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The Importance of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Trials

Screeech! That is the sound of our court system coming to a grinding halt, if plea bargaining were no longer utilized. Not only does plea bargaining save taxpayers an enormous amount of money, it often provides the evidence for a conviction and allows public defenders and other court officials to concentrate their limited resources on more important or difficult cases. Some people may believe that plea bargaining with criminals is wrong. The entire basis of the argument against plea bargaining says that criminals should not testify or have anything to do with the prosecution because they were involved with the crime.
We fail to realize that without plea bargaining many criminals …show more content…

This means that in a world of compromise, the most success is achieved by giving the greatest good to the greatest number of people.

This belief applies directly to plea bargaining. In this case, the most justice must be given the greatest number of criminals. Currently in the state of New York, 79% of all first degree murder cases are plea bargained. Without plea bargaining, many of these criminals would never even see a jail cell.
Barry Kinsey, a sociologist at The University of Tulsa, said "Without plea bargaining the court's could not function unless there were drastic increases in budget allowance" . The courts are at present full and running over and if all the cases were to be tried the courts budgets would have to be increased by 900%
(according to Tom Wallace, a public defender from Baltimore, Maryland).

It is also important to consider the length of time that would be required to try every person indicted for a crime. With the courts as over burdened as they are, taking every case to trial could clog up the courts almost indefinitely. Since every person in this country is guaranteed a speedy trial
(courtesy of the sixth amendment), banning plea bargaining without tremendous budget increases would violate the constitutional rights

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