
The Increase Of Women During The Prison System

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It is shocking to see the increase of women that have been imprisoned. Looking at the table titled “number of female prisoners under the jurisdiction of State or Federal correction. In 2003 the percentage was 6.6%this is when the increase of women in Federal and State prison. In 2006 to 2008 the rate was at all-time high of 6.9%. (120) However by 2009 the rate decreased to 6.8%. According to the author Mexican and African American women experience a high incarceration. The “get tough” policies were to dissolve the illegal activities of drug dealers and big kingpins. This policy didn’t work 35.9% of women are serving time for drugs passion offenses in the prison system many women of color. I believe some of the women that are incarcerated for passion is because to a boyfriend manipulate the girl into doing illegal activity , also females enjoy material things and coming from a low income area females believe they have something to prove to others in their low income neighbor. Many of these females are from dysfunctional homes where there is a lot of physical abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse and mental abuse. The author states there have been new technologies for determine drug use, such as a urine analysis, which can determine if the female parolee is in violation of her parole. According to the author this is the reason women are returning to prison for parole violation. The author also states one out of five women returned to prison on parole violation. According to the

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