
The Influence Of John Locke On The Preamble Of The United States

Decent Essays

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution is the starting point for Americans in terms of getting to know the purpose of their governing body. It is not just made up of words from the founding fathers, but also the ideologies of different philosophers. John Locke was one of these famous philosophers. Lock believed that the state of nature, the idea of not having a governing body, would lead humans to lean toward their own common sense. His ideology on the Statue of Nature was that humans were born with a desire to progress and exercise their reason. In the preamble, the second statement says that the government would like to “establish justice.” Behind this stands Locke’s views on exercising reason by allowing everyone a fair trial and not judging others on their morals or religion. …show more content…

This is like the caveman theory that Dr. Reyes gave in class about the first fart and the reactions that arose from it. She stated that when the first caveman farted and laughter was the response, then humans learned that it is something to be laughed at. The preamble states that they want to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…” meaning that they want to protect the freedoms of the founding fathers as well as the beneficial aspects the constitution protects for future generations. Locke’s perspective of the nature of man can be seen through the protection for American children in that they are learning from their elders. Their sensory experiences are based off of what they see parents, teachers, politicians, and any older adult do. Therefore, for example, if they are raised as Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other religion, then they are to be protected by the constitution to continue with those practices because it is how they were adapted to

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