
The Influence of Russian Communism on Women

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Ukrainian, Elena Grigorievna Ponomarenko and Russian Vera Ivanovna Malakhova shared one inevitable thing in common and that was the USSR, formally known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This spread of communism would take a place in these women’s lives affecting their ideology. Elena allowed communism to be the foundation of her life, while Vera used to advance in the education system and become a physician. Despite the views these women had on communism, communism helped both Elena and Vera achieve their social status as well as privileges. Elena Grigorievna Ponomarenko grew up the typical Ukrainian lifestyle, fighting to make ends meet daily with the poverty crisis. Elena strived for self-discipline during the instability of the USSR. Despite the dispossession of the USSR, she kept faith in communism and conformed in the era’s communist practices by having an interest in forming relations with the Pioneers, Komsomol’s and then later to the communist party. Communism had a plethora benefits that tailored her idea lifestyle, but one stood out more than others and that was the sense of strict discipline. These communist groups fulfilled her appetite for, “iron discipline” Elena based her life upon (Vanderbeck134). As a member of the Komsomol, Elena mentioned the consequences of insubordination which never the less led to immediate expulsion of her membership with the communist community. Elena’s strong passion and hunger for discipline lead her higher in

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