
The Influences On Academic Self Efficacy

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The Influences on Academic Self-Efficacy
When one hears the word self-efficacy what comes to mind? Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. There are actually two types of self-efficacy: Task self-efficacy (confidence in ability to perform the given behavior) and self-regulatory efficacy (confidence in ability to perform the tasks necessary to maintain regular participation of physical activity in their lives). It plays a big role in our lives because self-efficacy helps make goals, changes, and tasks be approached easier. Self-efficacy begins in early childhood and continues throughout life as people grow and acquire new things. When you have a strong sense of self-efficacy, you tend to view challenging problems as something that can be learned. Instead of seeing failure as a loss in life, they recover quickly instead of being down about it. People with a low sense of self-efficacy seem to think negatively most of the time, and are afraid of tough challenges because they think failure will be the outcome of the situation. Look at it this way, self-efficacy is like confidence. There are four major sources that contribute to having a higher individual self-efficacy: mastery experiences, social persuasion, vicarious experience, and psychological responses (Bandura, 1993). However, what really influences self-efficacy? Taking a deeper look at a few other critical influences which include; family members, peers, and school

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