
The Intellectual Roots Of The Behaviorism Movement

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Although the intellectual roots of the behaviorism movement predate Watson’s ideas, there were other contemporary academic individuals within the field of psychology is identified him as the founder of this movement to move toward the study of behavior. Behaviorism began in the roots of the American Progressive Movement of 1880 to 1920 when Social Darwinism was taken seriously (Behjamin, 2014). Darwin demonstrated the morphological and behavioral ties that could be found between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom (Behjamin, 2014). During this movement, the American Social Science Association where psychology had not emerged as a formal discipline recognized by other academic sciences (Mills J. , 1998). Many of the individuals other than Darwin including Copernicus, Romanes, Morgan, and Thorndike were working with animals in comparative psychology which is a subfield of animal psychology (Behjamin, 2014). Also during this time, William James was noted to advocate for a separation of philosophy and psychology through his publications indicating the need for its inclusion as a natural science (Mills J. , 1998). Literature also indicates the roots of behaviorism can be traced back to the laboratory of the sociologist Franklin Henry Giddings that created the “sympathy scale” (Mills J. , 1998). This scale proposed that it can measure the levels of sympathy that can be identified between the races (Mills, 1998). There were many criticisms of the lack of an objective

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