
The Internet Does Not Represent A Democratisation Of The Media

Better Essays

The question that I considered writing about in my essay was ‘The internet does not represent a democratisation of the media because the online world mirrors the inequalities of the offline world’. The argument I am making is that the offline world does not mirror the inequalities of the online world. The online world is a huge database that is used to engage emphasis of inequalities of the offline world. This simply signifies discrimination as being notorious on the online world.

An example of this which I think is a big factor is internet equality, also known as ‘Net Neutrality’. Net neutrality is the principle that all online traffic should be treated equally. If you are paying for a certain speed of internet connection, you should be able to use that to its full potential all the time, regardless of which website or service you are accessing. Right now you are paying one price for your internet connection, companies do not have any right to dictate what you use that internet for as they can only charge you for the internet itself, but if huge companies such as ‘Time Warner Cable’ and ‘Comcast’ had their way, each month they would charge you extra to watch Netflix or use Facebook on top of many already trying to impose bandwidth caps on how much data you can download every month. To put it in to perspective similarly, it would be like a water company charging you extra because you decided to use your water for coffee instead of the laundry. The reason why the example

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