
The Invisible Man Identity

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These individual skill sets played a vital role in the Invisible Man’s ability to acquire a sense of his own identity. Without these skill sets, he was just a lifeless body floating throughout life. Burying his real self and identity to play the roles that the college and brotherhood compelled him to play, the Invisible Man was depicted as invisible. The Invisible Man recognized his invisibility soon after leaving college, but did not grasp what exactly it meant to be invisible, “Without light I am not invisible, but formless as well; and to be unaware of one’s form is to live a death. I myself, after existing some twenty years, did not become alive until I discovered my invisibility”(6). He noted that being unaware of one's self-was as if he was already dead. Gregory Ellison II, an author, wrote a book entitled "Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African-American Young Men” stated that oftentimes African American young men feel invisible and feel as though they are cut dead. Cut dead was a 19th-century term meaning to be snubbed completely or deliberately ignored. Gregory Ellison II also mentioned that African American men who do feel invisible are in many instances not given the opportunity to be seen otherwise. The Invisible Man was one of the men that Gregory Ellison II was talking about because he had been constrained by the institutions he had been a part of. These institutions did not allow him to be himself or be seen as an individual. After reflecting on where he

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