
The Ironyy : The Irony In 'The Canterbury Tales'

Decent Essays

The Irony (A Literary Analysis of Chaucers Attack on Three Instititions) In the story The Canterbury Tales there are many contriversial situations that Chaucer puts himself but also not really himself in. Most people would try and avoid conflics exactly like that for multiple reasons. Chaucer had a better idea, he was smart about his way that he wanted to get his point across. He got everything he wanted to say out there and how he felt without taking a single bit of the blame for it. The use of satire and irony that this story has is incredible and humorous. The three topics that would stick out to anybody would be the hypocracy of the church, the patriocry, and class nobility, nobody ever questioned that any of these would be a problem until Chaucer planted a seed of doubt into everybodys heads. The way that Chaucer pin points the hypocracy of the church is in a crude way, he uses the pardoner to get this point across. A pardonder is practically a preacher and the way that this so called pardoner is acting and sounding is not very holy like and takes everyone aback for a while. He tells them that all he’s in it for is the money and that he could basically care less about the actual things that he is supposed to be preaching / practing about. He also calls “normal” people that attend church on a regualr basis, yokels, back then that was pretty offensive. When they find out about the pardoner and the way that he’s been acting they don’t really like it but they don’t really know what they could do about it. “Men are better than women”, bet you’ve heard that before once or twice. Aristotle had this made up triangle third that the gods were always going to have more power over everyone and everything, and then right after the gods were the men, he honestly thought that men almost had as much power as the gods, and at the bottom of the triangle of course were the women and the peasants. In the Wife of Bath’s tale this idea of men having greater power than women and that men are always better is destroyed. There is this old woman that makes a man look like a complete fool because she manipulates the guy into doing anything she wanted him to do becuase after all that is what every girl wants. She makes him

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