
Essay on The Islam and The Islamic Empire

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rompt: List and explore in depth the factors that contributed to the rapid and widespread adoption of the Islamic Faith and the creation of an empire that extended from Spain to the farthest borders of the Persian Empire.

Hook Quote: “The rapidity of military conquest and expansive political domination should not lead one to conclude that suddenly the whole of the known world had converted to Islam. It was not primarily missionary zeal that motivated the troops, but the promise of adventure and booty. That is not to say that their leaders entirely avoided the redirect of heavenly reward for bringing the world into the embrace of Islam, but on the whole, desire for conversion was secondary at best.”(p. 19-20) – 101 Q&A Intro: …show more content…

Support 2: Cultural:
• In the part of the world that Islam would later control, there were many “world class cities” such as Bagdad, while London and Paris “were still little more than towns” (101 Q&A).
• These cities - Bagdad, Constantinople, Qayrawn (present day Tunisia), and Fez (in Morocco) - were wealthy and they were along trade routes, so ideas such as those of Muhammad traveled rapidly. Ideas in Christian Europe would likely have spread much more slowly.
• Ruling important cities also helped Islam spread quickly because:
1. Islam absorbed ideas and technology from other cultures that used the trade routes. If rulers of these cities, Caliphates, used this knowledge to their advantage it would stabilize and strengthen the Islamic Empire.
2. “During the 10th century, at the height of its splendor, Cordoba was the most advanced city in Europe. It boasted paved streets, street lighting, public libraries, numerous mosques and palaces, and a vibrant literary and intellectual life” (p.71) - Understanding Islam and Muslim Traditions

Support 3: Religious:
• Islam drew its earliest converts from Christianity and Judaism.
• These groups are referred to in the Qur’an “as peoples of the book”. The Qur’an acknowledges that these three peoples came from the same religious traditions.
• Muslims revere the same religious figures as the Jews and Christians did; the primary difference is that Islam considers Muhammad to be the last and greatest

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