
The Issue Of Mainstream Media Bias Essay

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”The world is not responding to events in this country, but rather to the description of these events by news organizations. The key to understanding the strange nature of the response is thus to be found in the practice of journalism….” (Friedman, 2014) This article considers the concepts in arguing that mainstream media bias exists. Exists and presents, in message and content, an essentially biased product, in direct opposition of their industry standards declaration of impartiality and neutrality. In an effort to establish meaning and prepare the reader this article applies the definition of bias as applied by Grosclose and Milyo, whose paper “A Measure of Media Bias” which was published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in November of 2005 and is still relevant today; “Before proceeding, it is useful to clarify our definition of bias. Most important, the definition has nothing to do with the honesty or accuracy of the news outlet. Instead, our notion is more like a taste or preference” (Groseclose & Milyo, 2005). In the context of a quantitative content analysis of media bias, its delivery, its targeted audience and ultimate evaluation will determine the ‘taste’ and establish ‘preference’. Through the intentional and un-intentional portrayal of an established or implied bias the target audience’s opinions, ideals and motivations are necessarily affected. Specifically, the term ‘media’ in the context of this article refers to journalistic news sources that are

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