
The Jehovah 's Witness Religion

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Jehovah’s Witness Religion The Jehovah’s Witness religion is a well-known religion in the United States that began in the 19th century. Jehovah’s Witness is categorized under the Christian denomination; whose followers believe that others have misinterpreted the true teachings of Jesus. This religion is very heavy on the emphasis of spreading their faith around to the whole world. Around fifty years ago the Jehovah’s Witnesses numbered fewer than 100,000 members. Currently there are a million of them around the world. They don’t have churches like other religions; instead they have what they call as “Kingdom Halls.” These halls are normally rented buildings: an auditorium, a gymnasium, or a simple building. Inside they usually consist of: …show more content…

In the beginning Russell was raised as a Congregationalist, at age 17 his mind began to wonder. Charles became more interested in the Bible and ended up directing a Bible class in Pittsburg.
“He co-published The Herald of the Morning magazine with its founder, N. H. Barbour, and by 1884, Russell controlled the publication and renamed it The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah 's Kingdom and founded Zion 's Watch Tower Tract Society.” (Matt)
The Watch Tower, which later became known as the Watertower Bible and Tract Society was the teaching organ of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In 1908 he moved his headquarters to Brooklyn, where it has remained since.
When Russell died in 1916, Judge Joseph R. Rutherford, born in 1869 as a Baptist became the legal advisor to the Watch Tower. He is the one who changed the name of the organization to The Jehovah’s Witness. After Rutherford’s death, Nathan Knorr took over and after Knorr Frederick William Franz became president. Each of these men are very important figures in the Jehovah religion. They each made

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