
The Just-World Phenomenon, Deindividuation, And Stereotyping

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Conflict is a disagreement or friction that arises between or within groups. Conflicts arise when the beliefs or actions of the members of a certain group are resisted or unacceptable to one or more members of another group. There are many psychological processes that cause changes in ones behavior and eventually leads to conflict. The three psychological processes I will be using to explain a conflict are the just world phenomenon, deindividuation, and stereotyping. The just-world phenomenon is a term that refers to one’s belief that the world is fair and that people get exactly what they deserve. People want to believe that the world is just, therefore they will look for ways to justify or reason away injustice, and that is by …show more content…

Instead of acting as individuals, people that experience deindividuation lose their identity and become lost in a group. This means they will go along with whatever the group is doing, whether it's a riot, cyber bullying etc. These individuals would normally see these actions as wrong because they wouldn't want to be held accountable however in situations where there is a group formed social restraints and personal responsibility are perceived to be lessened. Deindividuation causes people to unquestionably follow group norms instead of personal norms. For instance, the teacher of this class did absolutely nothing as she watched her student wrapped in plastic, struggling to walk and breathe. Alex, one of Casper's friends quotes "The students seemed to think it was hilarious, and then they decided to take their prize (Casper) back to the classroom where the teacher was sitting at her desk, and she did absolutely nothing to help him". Casper even tripped and stumbled in front of her desk, however she just sat there, not moving an inch. Furthermore, Alex states “ he was a good guy, he never did anything bad to anyone and he was my friend. But the others just picked on him all the time.” Alex also did nothing to help Casper. Perhaps he could've have jumped in and gave a hand to Casper or even have gone to another classroom and tried to get another teacher. Unfortunately both Alex and the teacher did nothing

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