
The Kingdom Of God :

Decent Essays

The Kingdom of God

To understand the kingdom of God that was central to the teaching and preaching of Jesus, it’s important to first grasp that God intended to rule the world through His human children from the start. He meant for us to be His hands and feet since the beginning of creation, mirroring His image in every way. The cancellation of this plan happened the moment the parents of mankind became victims of satan’s temptation. The Old Testament documents the fall, and the struggle of God’s people from that moment on. It contains the promises of God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the predictions of a kingdom through a multitude of prophets, and the inhumane rebellions against God. Obedience to the law seemed to come in short-lived spurts as generation upon generation repeatedly strayed into the darkness and away from God. They resorted to violence and corruption and were afflicted by spiritual blindness, all the while waiting on God to fulfill His promise and avenge their hardships. Yet they also perceived God as too big, too fearful, and too threatening for them to believe His intentional love and care for them, and eventually, He saw the need to execute plan B; Operation Christmas child. He became one of them by sending Jesus into the world. The Israelites held out for God to overthrow the oppressive political superpowers, set up a permanent office in the physical temple of Jerusalem, and fulfill the promise of the inherited land. What they received was the

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