
The Kite Runner Analysis

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Reading The Kite Runner is an invigorating experience that not only gives the reader insight on the status of Afghanistan at this period in time, but also tells a thoughtful and gripping story about the experiences of a Sunni Muslim boy named Amir and his family as they struggle to withstand the conflicts brewing within and outside of their family circle. It is a wonderful yet harrowing read because of the deeply personal connections Khaled Hosseini crafts between the characters, the harsh content found throughout the book, and the masterful use of tension woven into the pages of the story. While the book still isn’t without issues, the positives greatly outweigh these minor problems. One of the best features of The Kite Runner is the way it fosters a personal relationship between the reader and Amir. Through an omniscient perspective, we can see all of his thoughts, inner conflicts, and feelings towards the other characters. Our perspective helps develop the conflicts Amir has with Baba, Hassan, and Sohrab which ultimately decide how his character will evolve as the story progresses. The relationship that has the most impact on this evolution is the one that involves Hassan and Amir. Throughout the story, there are many examples that show Amir’s contempt for Hassan because Baba shows more appreciation for him and not his own child. When Hassan has his cleft lip corrected, Amir is angry at him for being able to attain Baba’s sympathy so easily (pg.46). Amir also repeatedly

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