
The Kite Runner Analysis

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Observed in many coming of age novels, the protagonist often has a realization following a difficult event that forces them to grow up quickly. In The Kite Runner, Amir is forced to mature following his father’s diagnosis of cancer. No longer able to run away from hardship or rely on Baba to make decisions for him, Amir evaluates everything that he has taken for granted. Baba’s passing marks a crucial moment in Amir’s development by evoking a deep sense of unity and family, as well as awakening him from his cowardice that defined him. As a young boy, Amir was quite privileged in comparison to his best friend and servant, Hassan. The two were inseparable, until a horrific incident occurred and went by, never addressed nor brought to justice. Amir witnessed his friend being raped by a group of bullies and instead of intervening, acted as if he didn’t see anything. His relationship with Hassan deteriorated due to how Amir handled his guilt as instead of trying to gain Hassan’s forgiveness, Amir would lash out on the innocent boy as a form of projection. For instance, Amir pelted Hassan with pomegranates and screamed “‘Hit me back… You’re nothing but a goddamn coward!’” (Hosseini 92). After bottling up his emotions of the incident for so long, Amir erupted at Hassan in hopes of alleviating his guilt by Hassan punishing him. This becomes a point of no return where Amir and Hassan can no longer be around each other because Amir never has a strong enough reason to address his

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