
The Lady Or The Tiger, By Frank Stockton

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The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton. In the time period this story was written, people were punished by having to go through a physical task. For instance, if someone committed a crime, that person would be given a trial. If someone lives through this physical task, that person is innocent. If that person dies, they are guilty and have committed the crime. In this story, a King’s daughter falls in love with a commoner. The boy is put on trial by the King, because the King does not approve of their relationship. In the boy’s physical task, he is given the choice of two doors. One on the left, and one on the right. Behind one door is a tiger, behind the other door is a lady. The evidence from the story supports that the tiger came out of the door on the right. The Princess was fervently jealous of the lady behind the door. She hated the maiden because she was afraid and self-conscious. She thought that the maiden was prettier than she was. The princess saw her boyfriend talking to the same maiden in the streets one day. Seeing them together made her very angry. On page 364 …show more content…

The story was unfinished and the ending was left open. Frank Stockton gave enough evidence for the reader to decide. There is evidence to prove that the tiger came from the door, and there is evidence that the lady came from the door. This story ends with a space of imagination left for the reader to fill in, making it a matter of opinion. Opinions will be based depending on how the reader takes the story and what is thought of the characters. They might not consider the princess to be barbaric at all. There is more evidence to prove both cases. There is more to prove that the tiger came from the door and killed the boy on instinct. The evidence proves this theory because the Princess was overwhelmed with jealousy, fear, and self-consciousness. That is why the tiger came from the door on the

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