
The Landmark Herodotus Analysis

Decent Essays

The Landmark Herodotus is one of the most unique history books that I have read. While reading The Landmark Herodotus, I was not sure if I was reading a history book or an epic. It was written to record the events of the Persians and Hellenes, but it incorporated myths, oral traditions, and the authors opinions which made me feel like I had experienced each historic event first hand. Herodotus’s writing style is unique, but in the appendix C he is criticized for sometimes being inaccurate and distorting historic facts, because he relied on people who can have faulty memories or sources of knowledge. Herodotus sometimes was not certain on some facts, but he did his best to rely on logic to make the best argument on what happened. For example, Herodotus argues that the Colchians are Egyptians. He argues this by first noting his opinion of their resemblance and then used his logic to show how they came from the army of Sesostris. He also points out that their whole culture and the way they did things were very similar to the Egyptians. Unfortunately, in the appendix Herodotus is called out for being wrong about his opinion of the Colchian’s origin. …show more content…

One of the accounts that stood out to me was when Herodotus recorded the events that happened in king Xerxes’s life. Herodotus seems to be able to give specific details about Xerxes trying to decide whether or not he wanted to go to war and how he was receiving divine dreams, persuading him to go. When Herodotus adds details like these I am forced to wonder how much of his writings I can trust, but then he will write things that I know can be proven. In the same account of Xerxes he was very specific on how the bridges across Hellespont were

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