
The Law of Causation: Justification for the Beginning of the Universe?

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The Law of Causation states that nothing can happen without being caused. The cause must be Adequate to the effect and it must precede or coincide with the effect. For example, a butterfly flapping its wings cannot cause a hurricane, or pulling the trigger on a gun will cause it to fire. Causality can be applied anywhere in the known universe and it will always be correct, or will it? When thinking about causation, it seems that we apply this to life every day and don’t even realize it. For example, finding someone lying on the ground yelling out in pain from a fractured leg immediately raises the question, what happened? The leg didn’t decide to fracture itself, something had to have caused the leg to fracture. No matter where this law is applied, ultimately it will bring you to the beginning, which really isn’t the beginning at all, it’s merely the end of our known knowledge of the universe. This couldn’t possibly be the beginning because the law of causation does not allow it. This law can be applied to everyday life, law, behavior, and everything in between. However, some physicists, philosophers, theists, and atheists come to a head on the theories of the creation of the universe. One theory is that the universe came from nothing. Another that the creation of the universe is a cycle, where the universe expands and then collapses in on itself creating another big bang. Then there is the super natural cause, a supreme power created the universe. All of

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