
The Leather Flight Chair Enclosed Olbarwulf

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The leather flight chair enclosed Olbarwulf in its embrace like an old friend which, all things considered, it might as well be. The blaring klaxons, the stamping flight boots, and the incessant shouting filtered through the cockpit canopy. All were familiar to him. And yet, even after all these years of deployment, the constant din still was still unnerving. Exhaling slowly, Olbarwulf leaned back, feeling through his coarse mane, feeling for the socket at the base of his neck. When did I last go under? he queried, touching the depression, thumbing the optic and data input cables. He needed to go under, to feel the Thunderbolt as a part of him, to fly. He yearned for that kind of freedom. But it would have to wait. His co-pilot was late, and a failure to launch fully crewed would land Olbarwulf directly in the sights of a commissar. The sounds of labored breathing and the unsteady clump of flight boots on the walkway to Olbarwulf’s right announced the belated arrival of his co-pilot, Gustaf Krienger. One of the heavily persecuted Flavix, Gustaf’s life as a co-pilot was harsh and violent, characterised by the latticework of scars stretching down from his large, dusky eyes to his whiskered cheeks, physical reminders of the Navy’s long-held place as a bastion of conservative thinking. Olbarwulf held immense respect for the man’s abilities as a navigator, but any attempt to show camaraderie in public with an alien was tantamount to suicide, so he kept trap shut and his mind

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