
The Legend Of The Chosen

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Legend of the Chosen

Much of the Earth’s landscape had been changed by The Great Wars, the war that caused the holocaust, but some landmarks still remain. And these wars rearranged the planet 's geographical attributes and wiped out most human life on Earth. Each land was renamed after the compass point it faced; the Northland, the Southland, the Eastland, and the Westland. Towers, buildings, homes, Helicopters, towers, and buildings are in ruins, but have been in this state for quite some time, with layers of moss and green vines covering them. Most advanced technologies had also been lost, but magic had been discovered. During this time era, mankind mutated into several distinct races; Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Trolls.
The Elves, extremely long-lived and possessing great magic, created the Elfstonts. As a necessary balance to the light, darkness was also created in the beginning of time; from this darkness, the Demons were born. After years of battle between the light and the dark, the Elves summoned their greatest magic and created the Forbidding, a spell that imprisoned the Demons beyond the confines of the world. They also created the Ellcrys, a beautiful silver elvish tree with crimson leaves to maintain the Forbidding. Unfortunately, this drained nearly all the strength of the Elves, leaving them with very little magic.
In time, Elves came to resemble more and more of the human race that had recently evolved, both in strength and longevity. Afraid of the

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