
The Life You Can Save Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Peter Singer starts his ethical debate by essentially trapping readers into an ethical paradox. Singer argues that, “how could anyone consider a pair of shoes, or missing an hour or two at work, a good reason for not saving a child's life,” to guilt readers, even if for an admirable cause, into becoming sympathetic for Singer’s utilitarian mission (“The Life You Can Save,” Singer). Singer makes the logical assumption that all human lives hold equal value, even when not drowning right in front of you. Yet, he claims, we repeatedly choose to put more value into the lives of those right in front of us, as we let “nearly 10 million children under five years old” die because of poverty (“The Life You Can Save,” Singer). Singer then goes on to address …show more content…

Humans are inherently hedonistic, with a need for more than the bare minimum. Paul Kurtz, American professor argues that “happiness involves a combination of hedonism and creative moral development; that an exuberant life fuses excellence and enjoyment, meaning and enrichment, emotion and cognition.” This is a more enriched and full view of human existence that Singer offers, seeing as humans thrive off of more than just the bare minimum. Similarly, Aristotle claims that “every instance of pleasure must be good to some extent,” and thus, the notion that one should sacrifice self-happiness in order to create a world that resembles a utopia is false. Aristotle’s argument is a counter to Singer’s claim, seeing as Singer advocates for choosing a career that would make more money in order to donate it to charity rather than doing it for selfish yet personally fulfilling reasons (“Aristotle’s Ethics,” Kraut). Nicholas Kristof also faults Singer’s logic, by asking “where do we draw the line,” a critique of the notion that Singer only donates one third of his paycheck to various charities (“The Trader,” Kristof). If we are truly to live an effectively altruistic life, why not donate as much of his paycheck as possible so that he embodies meek living through the pursuit of charity. While it could be argued that Singer is the push that many need to live a more ethically flawless life, many people are

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