
The Life and Works of Dramatist Aphra Behn Essay

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The Life and Works of Dramatist Aphra Behn Aphra Behn left a legacy of being not only a complex and enigmatic woman, but a poet, a playwright, a writer, a novelist, and a spy. A commoner who blended with the royalty and revolted against the societal norms with her lewd yet cunning writings, she exhibited the influence of more than just a writer of her time period and left her mark in the canon of English literature by creating her own genre of amatory. She was a feminist, an adventurist, an abolitionist and a civil rights advocate; she encompassed a figure of brilliance and intrigue and the writings she left behind from the seventeenth century only reiterate her ideology. An example of such is the short novel Oroonoko written in 1688 …show more content…

During this time period in the late sixteen hundreds, Britian found itself in a schism of two opposing political parties, the Whigs and the Tories. The Tories stood by absolute allegiance to the sovereign ruling of the king by divine right whereas the Whigs embraced a government ruled by the members of the parliament (Clark et al, 294-303). Behn quickly became a Tory supporter in favor of King Charles II and used her talents in writing to compose propaganda in favor of the King and absolute monarchy (248). Unsurprisingly, her Catholic childhood later influenced her writings such as "The Rover II" which explored the story behind the exiled Catholic Duke of York (Goreau 247). However, her familiarity with Catholicism was not her only influence; many of her other life experience contributed greatly to her later works. For example, one of her most renown works, Oroonoko, may have been a slightly exaggerated result from her experiences at an English sugar colony along the Suriname River in Venezuela which she visited for several months in 1663 (Cavendish 2178). Her trip included the introduction to a slave leader who had moved from Africa to South America which mirrors the setting and concept of Oroonoko which

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