
The Lightning Thief : A Short Story

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Everyone has a story, whether it has a good ending is often up to them. My mother, in particular, has a good story. Born during the attack of the Khmer Rose, Chanda Hallewell’s story is continuing to this day and is a rare one indeed. Chanda Hallewell is a Cambodian woman, she isn’t very well known but the things she does are hard to take for granted. She is a mother of two children and she does a lot of the housework, while also trying to pursue her dream of owning a restaurant. Percy Jackson from The Lightning Thief also struggled, but in the end, he saved many people’s lives by stopping hostilities between the gods. Percy Jackson and Chanda Hallewell have different paths, but they both go through the hero’s journey. Based on my interview with Chanda, Chanda was born in the forest during a war. Chanda’s family was quite poor having had seven children including her. She had to work at a very young age, and there was a lot of work to do… plowing the rice fields, cooking, and chopping firewood. When she moved to America with my father she still had hardships, she missed her family. Around when her first child was born, Katherine or Katie Hallewell, her mother died. Just a few years ago her father passed away. Chanda Hallewell faced many challenges but she fought through them, she showed perseverance and perseverance is a sure sign of a hero. Though her journey isn’t completed yet, Chanda Hallewell has definitely experienced a lot and she has overcome many of the tasks set

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