
The Link Between Ethnic Discrimination And Self Esteem Opens The Door For The Development Of Strategies Essay

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In a time where discussions of race and ethnicity increasingly dominate media, strained race relations can lead to the development of racial and ethnic identities, which often play a major role in an individual’s self-perception. For adolescents in particular, receiving criticism of these identities has been found to be inversely related to levels of self-esteem (Greene, Way, & Pahl, 2006; Zeiders, Umaña-Taylor, & Derlan, 2013). Investigation of the link between perceived ethnic discrimination and self-esteem opens the door for the development of strategies to improve both race relations and self-esteem.
Researchers who have been exploring the possible connections between these two variables have primarily studied adolescents. In one such study, conducted by Greene, Way, and Pahl, ethnic minority students were surveyed about the discrimination they perceived from both peers and adults (2006). Over the span of four years, high school students of Asian, Latino, and African-American descent completed questionnaires assessing five characteristics, including self-esteem, and perceived ethnic discrimination by adults and peers (Greene, et al., 2006). The researchers formed six hypotheses for the participants’ responses, including that self-esteem and perceived discrimination would be inversely related; the same hypothesis was formed in Zeiders, Umaña-Taylor, and Derlan’s study (Greene, et al., 2006; 2013). In Greene, et al.’s study, attrition was fairly high, with nearly 40% of

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