
Literary Canon Essay

Satisfactory Essays

What is the Literary Canon?
The Examples of Nathaniel Hawthorne

The term Literary Canon refers to a list of works that classify from literature which consider the most important works in a particular time period or place, not to works by specific author. For instance, there can be a canon composed of works from a group of writings belong to a certain set of years or certain region, to the events are going, or even works written during a particular period of time. The author can be canonical figure but that does not mean his works are canonical. Along these lines, the literary canon collects the similar or relate to literary works. Those who have ability to decide which piece of literature is canon -teachers, scholars, literary critics- …show more content…

To judge any literature work, as a canon or not, should it pass through some stages. The first is, get published, and get people to read it. Then, criticize by an academic scholar critic. The most popular elements that had been based on, for choosing the literary canon are the aesthetic elements, such as the language and the style. Secondly, the innovation. It gives the literary piece something unexpected, either in the context or the idea itself. Even if the story idea written by others. "As is the case with any art form, the value of literature is judged not only by a set of supposedly objective criteria relate to the author’s technical skills and abilities, but a profoundly more complex set of criteria that are entirely subjective and which vary considerably from one reader to another."(, 2016). There are a lot of works, sometimes, found as a canon not by their virtue of technical franchise, but to its representation that is a bold departure from the convention, either in terms of the subject matter or stylistic treatment, or both. As in the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter; its theme and approach is more value than the actual treatment. Which has given him and others like Herman Melville place in the literary canon in modern

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