
The Little Mermaid For Example

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Human beings have always endeavored to make themselves more attractive. Adorning jewelry, clothing hairstyles, and beauty products in the effort to heighten our beauty has been practiced and even celebrated by women for centuries. However, with more technologies and advancements the world has entered into a new enhancement: Cosmetic Surgery. The question that I pose is: Why? Why is it that this “body-changing culture” has enveloped the female world? Beliefs of beauty are so deeply engrained into our culture and society, and from a young age girls are taught that appearance matters. Take the Hans Christians fairy tail, the Little Mermaid for example. Ariel gives up her voice, and thus her ability to communicate her knowledge to the world, for a pair of legs, to attract a man. This story is one of many that teach young girls that beauty, but more importantly, a specific type of beauty is required to succeed. Girls are products of the lessons they are taught, and as they grow into women there is an expectancy to maintain their form, appearance, and comportment within specifically defined social parameters.
When an average young women looks in the mirror she sees fat. People judge their body dissatisfaction on the difference between the ideal body, and their perceived body. The thin and fit ideal has constantly, since the early 1900s, been a fundamental signifier of femininity, which encourages women to rise to unrealistic figures (Klein 2013). Women emulate these

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