
The Living Dead Essay

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The Living Dead

Since the beginning of film, people have been spellbound by horror movies. They seem to excite the viewer with emotions of fright, excitement and thrill. And since there have been horror movies there have been monsters to bring fright to the viewers during and after the movie. A common monster that can be found in multiple films is the zombie; also know as the living dead. One of the greatest living dead directors and screenplay writers would have to be George A. Romero. From his famous trilogy of living dead movies his final installment, Day of the Dead, proved to the world that zombies can be just as scary as any other horror monsters. He was thought as the only horror director that could make a good horror …show more content…

Paramedics and police are no match to these creatures and the only thing anyone could think of was to call the army whose number was on the side of the container. The army decides to fire a nuclear bomb on the infected area to contain this infection. Once the bomb explodes the army thinks it’s all over until it begins to rain again.

Day of the Dead begins one month after the living dead have taken over the state of Florida. A group of scientists and soldiers and civilians have found shelter in silo bunker where they are trying to figure out what is making the dead come back to life. One scientist though, thought he could tame the creatures by teaching them how to behave by giving them treats when they do something good. Unfortunately, for the civilians and scientists the last commander of the soldiers had just died and a new leader with bad temper decided that he has total control over everyone in the bunker. Before long the soldiers were dieing off risking their lives for the scientists so the soldiers believed the scientists were good for nothing and decided to kill them all by either gunfire or by letting them into the part of the bunker infested by the living dead. Without knowledge though, one of their own soldiers let in the living dead, who overwhelmed the soldiers and they were all eaten alive. Luckily for one scientist and the two civilians they made their way through the caves to the land above. They took their helicopter and flew to an island

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