
The Loss Of Marine Life

Good Essays

It is possible that in our lifetime many marine life forms will be on the verge of extinction or placed on the extinct animals list. This loss of marine life will be placed mainly because of the actions of human advancements and achievements using fossil fuels as energy.. With the loss of these micro organisms large animals will not have enough food to survive. This would create problems in our social and economic life. As humans we rely on the oceans for almost everything. Much of our food , clothing, cleaning products and cosmetics come from the watery ocean. However with loss of these small creatures our financial background could crumble.

The ocean contains traces of thousands of marine species of different shapes and sizes, from the …show more content…

However; carbon dioxide can also change the chemistry of the ocean. This change called ocean acidification. The excess carbon dissolves with the oxygen in the water, creating a chemical called carbonic acid. This acid causes the ocean to become more acidic. In eighteenth century the ph was 8.16 which was slightly basic. Currently, the ph is around 8.07 which is slightly acidic.While this slight change may not seem outrageous it is causing some of marine life struggles. The acid melts the shells of pteropods causing a low supply of food that would support larger fish.

Carbon dioxide is caused by both natural and irregular causes. Naturally, carbon dioxide is created by processes such as volcanic eruptions and naturally occurring forest fires. Further, man adds to these gases by the burning fossil fuels. This can be caused in a multitude of ways such as that of deforestation, industrial production and common activities such as driving around in your car.. These processes release many natural gases into the atmosphere causing a blanket of greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen help keep the environment regular but in excess these gasses cause horrible effects. In fact, every year there is about ten billion tons of carbon dioxide released by human activities. These gases are stored in the atmosphere , plants, and the ocean. .Nasa scientists said

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