
The Lost Generation Analysis

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The Lost Generation was a time of sadness and remorse the authors used these emotions in their literature. It was a time period after World War l when people came of age and started to not be serious since they realized that life is so short. It also reflected in literature like Fitzgerald, T.S Eliot, and Ernest Hemingway. It was like a slap in the face and people didn’t see it coming, so there was a momentous time of shock. The Lost Generation was more than an accumulation of materialistic items that were being to gain popularity i.e cars it was a time period changed that completely changed people’s outlook on life. There are emotions in the books that could be instilled by outside sources or things that have happened in their …show more content…

In some instances, the reader suggests that an individual’s actions may point out that they were doing something to satisfy another person's needs/ wishes. In Ernest Hemingway’s “ Hills Like White Elephants,” the reader can conclude that the girl is having an abortion to be as they were before as mentioned by her supposed husband or boyfriend (Hemingway 2). They’re different answers to the open-ended question Hemingway has provided the reader, one way they took the question is she did it for herself and she thought about the way she wanted her life to be (Renner 28). This can be interpreted through her actions, but it could always be interpreted in different ways depending on the people. So this time was a period of really thinking about the future and about the people they want in their life. This was also a very saddening time for everyone as they just lost their family members or loved ones to the war. This was a time of the morning and everyone moving around trying to find their way through life. In the “ Old Man At The Bridge,” the man symbolized the people waiting for their loved ones and the animals symbolized the soldiers at war (Hemingway 1938). All the town’s people were leaving but he was sitting down worried about his animals that were back at home. This showed that the roaring twenties were not always about the prosperity of the country’s economy as they

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