
The Lottery And The Possibility Of Evil By Shirley Jackson

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In short stories where every word counts literary techniques such as irony, mood, tone, imagery, and figurative language are invaluable. The Lottery and The Possibility of Evil are two short stories written by Shirley Jackson. The Lottery takes place in the year 1948 in a small town of roughly three hundred people. The Possibility of Evil follows seventy-one year old lady as she goes about her day in a small town. In each of these stories Jackson uses mood and irony to get her message across and in The Lottery she uses foreshadowing as well. In both The Lottery and The Possibility of Evil Shirley Jackson uses irony to surprise or catch her readers off guard making her message more memorable. In The Possibility of Evil Jackson begins the story by introducing the main character Miss Adela Strangeworth. While she is walking to the store she mush, “stop every minute or so to say good morning,” and when she entered the store, “half a dozen people wave at her or call out good morning”. This is to show the reader the Miss Strangeworth is a well liked figure in the town. From this we can also infer that she must be a sweet and friendly old lady. This makes it all the more shocking and unexpected when she writes her letters. Meanwhile, in The Lottery Jackson starts by describing the setting as a, “clear and sunny...summer day” and when, “the children assembled...they broke into boisterous play”. This is meant to put the reader off guard because typically stories with

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