
The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis

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When thinking about someone that is insecure, Gabriel Conroy, from The Dead, and T. S. Eliot, from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock does not come to mind. Throughout these two works, Gabriel and Eliot both have a habit of looking over what might not happen to their situation to what might happen which turns into over thinking every decision or action they take. While the way they confront their situations is the same, the way they imagine their outcome of their situation and how affects them is different. Gabriel Conroy shows his insecurity throughout The Dead while trying to hide it at the same time from his family. During his alone time in the hallway, he goes over his speech to give at the annual Christmas party. While he looks over his speech, he is unsure whether the people at the party will understand his overwhelming words and superior knowledge of Literature such as, the lines from Robert Browning (pg.10). They will think of him as, he is has had a better education than them and thinks that he is showing off so that he can show of his wealth even though he knows that they will recognize some quotes from Shakespeare and from Melodies (pg.10). He is also insecure around his wife, Gretta, when she told her reason behind the song that was played towards the end of the party. He felt that he could not admit that “her face was no longer beautiful” (pg.74) Although he thinks that she had probably told the whole story about her past love life he is still nervous whether

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