
The Main Characters In Henry James's Daisy Miller

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In Henry James's “Daisy Miller,” the main character Frederick Winterbourne masks Daisy Miller’s personality with his own imagination. Told from a limited narration point of view, this novel solely emphasizes Mr. Winterbourne’s perception of the world around him, focusing most on Ms. Daisy’s character. Mr. Winterbourne aims to unravel Ms. Miller’s character make-up throughout chapter one, using only his and his aunt’s preconceived notions of women in American society. By being too introspective and imaginative, Mr. Winterbourne is unable to see Ms. Miller as anything more but a conquest, and therefore he is unable to empathize with her as another human being.
When Mr. Winterbourne first notices Ms. Miller, he fixates on her prettiness and refuses to stray from his surface level admiration, even after inquiring about her. The narrator, embodying Mr. Winterbourne’s thoughts, repeats “pretty American girl,” constantly, revealing Mr. Winterbourne’s reasoning for becoming captivated by her to begin with. Mr. Winterbourne’s fixation on Ms. Miller being a pretty girl depicts how he is captivated by the alluring nature of her beauty, considering she had done nothing at first to captivate him with her speech or her personality. He builds the foundation of his relationship with her on physical attributes, expecting her personality to follow his preconceived mental sculpture of how a young, pretty American woman is supposed to act.
After being captivated by her prettiness, Mr.

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