
The Major Strengths Of Capitalism And The Purpose Of Marxism

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The major purpose of Marxism is to deliver a theoretical framework for assessing the world and providing the necessary changes. Such a policy has a precise and narrow-focused meaning. It also implies that Marxism pursues a specific sort of knowledge that is able to highlight the principles of historical movement and develop the points through which political actions could be introduced in the most effective way. In this respect, Wood has argued that the purpose of Marxist theory is to highlight the dimension of political action that considers historical context and provides the politics of capitalism, explaining the division between the political and economic in terms of distribution of power, production control and development of social resources and labor. Hence, regardless of the Marxism’s diverse strengths of Marxism theory in terms of the possibility of isolated analysis of economic and political issues, the paradigm promotes ahistorical conception of the capitalism, which is more close to bourgeois economics, which results in the formal approach to the mode of production, presenting the isolation between theory and practice. The Marxist theory has argued that the essence of capitalism is confined to the division of the political and the economic that makes the adjustment to the system which is promoted by the economic coercion. It can also provide a clearer view on the different forms and tools which can be used for developing effective positions. As Rioux (2014)

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