
The Man Trek Gender Ethnography

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The thing that most startled me when I started watching Star Trek, the Original Series, for this paper was the costumes. The women’s uniform is a very short mini-dress that looks like a cheerleader’s outfit, while the man wear body conscious but not revealing pants and sweatshirts. At the time the episodes were made, the choice to dress the women that was not as controversial as it looks today. The short skirts were inspired by the mini skirts that had become popular, especially with young women breaking away from the traditions of their parents and the bright colors were inspired by the bright colors in the pop art of Andy Warhol. The women’s hairstyles, which seem pretty extreme to a modern viewer, were just slightly larger versions of …show more content…

In The Man Trap, the mysterious salt-eating monster overcomes its victims by acting the part of a femme fatale: it assumes the shape of the woman most appealing to its male target, so that it can get close enough to put its hands on his face as if to kiss--and such his salt out through the suction cups in its hands. In Friday’s Child, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are disturbed that Eleen does not want to be a mother and, to the amusement of Kirk and Spock, McCoy breaks with male gender expectations to show her how to live up to her female ones. At least two episodes in the Original Series include the use of behavior control devices: in The Gamesters of Triskelion, the people on the plant are required to wear a shock collar that allows the trainers to punish them; in The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky, the device is a temple implant and the disciplinarian is a computer. Perhaps the most interesting example of gendered behavior expectations is Turnabout Intruder in which Dr. Janice Lester who wants to be a man so she can do all the things men can do puts her soul into the body of Captain Kirk. Now she looks like a man, but she can’t pass as one because she doesn’t act like one: she is moody, emotional temperamental and vindictive, and the crew immediately knows something is

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