
The Memories Of A Horrible Day

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Once it was a rainy, stormy, just all in all a dreadful day, and Bellamin was loving it. They couldn 't believe how much the dreary outside had made the once dreary inside of they 're resting place so much nicer. They could hear the rain splatter on the ground above them, and the frogs chirping in the creek a few blocks over. Bellamin loved this moment, as they loved every moment, as they loved every moment since they had become awakened. That was a moment they could not remember however; it was more like the sleepy crawl of your own memories starting at some non existent but totally real point some time in your toddler years. And Bellamin knew as much as a toddler waking from a slumber would know, that they had to get up. And so they …show more content…

Even farther away, during the next day sat the normal young of woman of whom was named Zoey. She was pretty, moderately intelligent, somewhat creative, reasonably determined, fairly patient and quite good at her job. When her job wasn 't the epitome of boredom. She sat staring at white walls and blank faces, and they looked surprisingly the same to her partially good eyesight. And yet, when the man in the black tie burst in, the slash of ink in the sea of something more boring than beige, and announced the most astonishing, scientifically fascinating, morally confusing, socially groundbreaking news to the small presentation room, it didn 't change much from that sea of indescribable boredom. The sea just churned faster now. And she was having none of it. As the lead detective, she headed out of the building to interview the man who last saw the scientific discovery before it qualified as anything as close to amazing as that.

During the previous night they walked through the streets, no one paying attention to them. But no one was there to pay any attention, or taxes or in general nothing was taken or given of free will or by any other means. And their mind could just barely make out the signs of the shops, a blue and a red, a green and gold that was particularly attractive, making them stop and stare and the wondrous colors. Bellamin was like the newborn child

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