
The Memory Keeper's Daughter Analysis

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In the Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards, David Henry’s whole life was changed because of his dishonesty to his wife when she was having their twins. David’s motives for lying was to protect his wife and family from heartbreak which created the storyline of him having to keep this huge secret inside. When David was little, his sister died due to a heart defect. When their daughter Phoebe, an unexpected twin was born, David noticed she was born with this defect also known as down syndrome. He then gave the baby to Caroline Gill his co-worker to bring to a house where they would take care of her. When his wife woke up he said “I am so sorry. Our little daughter died as she was born.” (Edwards 20) He did this to protect his wife because he feared that his daughter would pass away at a young age. He thought that if she passed so soon in life it would crush his wife, just like it crushed his mother. Little did he know it would break her heart more, knowing she could have had another child. She was depressed for a long time, which slowly started pushing David and her apart. …show more content…

In Woodford County. I asked him to take her. We can go up there in the Spring.” (Edwards 38) He did this to keep Norah from finding out he lied. This is just another example showing that the original lie led up to all of these other lies. It keeps building and building up on David. David knew he had to be dishonest for the rest of his life now. There was no way to change what he said. This one dishonest action led to the whole story line of the book. Phoebe their child actually lived a long life with another set of parents while David assumed she had passed at a young age. Yes, she was slower than a normal person, but she was still

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