
The Mexican-American War

Decent Essays

The Mexican-American war was a war fought over the annexation of Texas and where the Mexican-American border should be placed. The war sparked conflict over many other issues such as slavery, the justification of the war, and even formed the foundation of what would later come as the Civil War.
Many people argued the topic of slavery in the Mexican-American war. There was a question of whether or not slavery should be legal in areas won by the United States. Northern states were opposed to legalizing slavery in the new territories, while the southern states supported the legalization of slavery in the new territories. Slavery also played a role in the arguments over manifest destiny. Southerners argued that military action should be pursued because gaining more states had the potential to have more territory that allowed slavery. The annexation of Texas was caused partly …show more content…

Many people of the whig party, such as Abraham Lincoln, feel that the war was pointless and could not be justified. He felt that James K. Polk had manipulated people into supporting the war. Others thought that the war was inevitable. They thought that Mexico had fired the first shots, which caused to go to war. The thought that the fact that they did not start the war would justify the Mexican-American war. Professor David Weber says, “California was the real goal in the far west-to have harbors on the Pacific and make ourselves a continental empire. We were not terribly interested in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, all of which belonged to Mexico as well, but those territories needed to be conquered if we were eventually to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific by railroad, which was already a dream” (n.d.). “Army officials, such as Second Lt. Ulysses S. Grant, charged that the U.S. unfairly used its superior military might to take land from Mexico”

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