
Essay on The Miller's Tale

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The Miller's Tale The Miller’s Tale is in the form of fabliaux, which is part of the oral tradition of storytelling, which was very popular among the lower classes in the medieval times. Prominently bawdy and satirizing in content, fabliaux commonly told the story of a bourgeois husband who is cuckolded by his young wife. Fabliaux brings a great contrast to the likes of the courtly love tales such as the Knight’s Tale, thus it reflects Chaucer’s social and literary experience. The coarse, colloquial language and the realistic setting makes it convincing that a ‘cherl’ like the Miller could have told this story as it shows the Miler’s unrefined and crude nature. Furthermore, the use of animal …show more content…

He reassures the Reeve who is his enemy that his wife would not cheat on him-‘But I sey nat therefore that thou art oon.’ In fact, the Miller is implying the opposite to this as he regards the Reeve as being a cuckold. This suggests that the Miller is very smart thus it seem possible that this drunken ‘cherl’ could have constructed this tale on his own. However, it seems unconvincing that the Miller could have beautifully structured this tale. The use of parody is evident in the fairy tale like style in which the Miller begins this tale-‘whilom ther was dwellinge.’ This opening parodies the Knight’s Tale. Similarly, the Miller has structured his tale in the form of a love triangle between Alison, Nicholas and Absolon. This allows the Miller to mimic the structure used in the Knight’s Tale. In addition, the Knight’s idealistic courtly values and romantic valour are deeply parodied by the Miller. The language used by Nicholas during the wooing process of Alison is in the style of a courtly lover-‘lemman, love me al atones, or I nol dyen.’ He is indicating that he would rather die than not to have her love. This is used by the Miller to show how unrealistic and unpractical the courtly lovers are and consequently, mocks the courtly love procedure and chivalry behaviour. In conclusion, it seems unconvincing that a drunken Miller could maintain the constant parody of the Knight’s tale and

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