
The Millionaire Next Door Summary

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A Synopsis of “The Millionaire Next Door”

This book is based on 20 years of research on the journey of Ordinary Americans, who became self-made true millionaires in 1 generation and a comparison of their living standards and their spending pattern to find a commonality and break the common image of a millionaire which is projected by media .

This book tells the real meaning of wealth ,how to calculate the total wealth and other qualities that an individual needs to develop to accumulate a huge amount of wealth even when there incomes are not very high.
This book shows the simple spending and saving habits that lead to more cash in the bank than most people earn in their life, and helps to avoid the pitfalls some potential future millionaires …show more content…

Their used cars may be Mercedes but they save on the depreciation of the person that bought it new.The author defines two category of people .One group consists of people who spend everything they earn as soon as they get it and are called Under Accumulator of Wealth (UAW) .The second category consists of people who live economically,save,invest and grow richer everyday.These people are known as Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth (PAW).Through out the book the authors have used the two categories to defines the qualities that seperate millionaires from …show more content…

2)Frugal Frugal Frugal :

->Frugal is defined as "sparing or economical with regard to money or food".Though it seems ironical, millionaires are frugal .This is an important quality which helps them avoid any excess expenditure.This chapter tells us how millionaires become millionaires because of budgeting and controlling expenses.

3)Time,energy and money :

->This chapter discusses the time and energy PAWs allocate on planning their financial investments .It makes a comparison of the PAWs an UAWs in terms of these parameters It takes the example of two wealthy phyicians .One of whom is a PAW and the other UAW and describes the way they spend their resources . 4)You aren't what you drive :

This chapter discusses how millionaires prefer financial independence than showing off their wealth.It takes the case of Mr W W Allan .It takes the example of car purchases made by a PAW and what their buying habits reveal.

5)Economic Outpatient Care

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