
The Moon: The Process Of Controlling Tides

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Since our said to be 4.5 billion year old Moon has the power to control the tides, play a key role in eclipses, have the appearance of 8 phases, and other discovered exploration’s of the Moon is shown to be an essential element of Earth to exist. These processes work together for the Moon to exist and to be an essential element of Earth.

Process of Controlling Tides
The Moon has many abilities to help planet Earth. For example, controlling the tides in our oceans. Tides are the fall and rise of sea levels caused by a combination of gravitational force caused by the Moon, Sun, and the rotation of Earth. How this occurs is the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun causes the ocean to bulge out towards the moon, like a magnet. The Sun …show more content…

First is the New moon, the waxing crescent moon, first quarter, waxing gibbous, the full moon, waning gibbous, the third quarter, and last the waning crescent. The Moon takes about 4 weeks go orbit around earth. 27.3 days to be specific. During the new Moon, the Moon is aligned with the Earth and Sun. We see the side of the Moon that is not bright by the Sun. As the Moon moves eastward aside from the Sun, we see a little bit more of the Moon’s bright side each night. A couple of days after the New Moon passes, we slowly start to see a thin crescent towards the western night sky. Then the crescent Moon waxes starts to show wider each night. Then the first quarter moon come along. From Earth’s point of view, we start see to see the bright/sunlit side of the Moon. When more of the disc is irradiate, the shape of the Moon is starting to form called gibbous. The gibbous Moon starts to grow faster and we start to see a full Moon. This part of the phase is called the full Moon. The Moon rises almost completely as the Sun sets and sets just when the Sun rises the following day. The Moon is now finalized one half of the lunar month. Next comes the second half of the lunar month. The Moon grows more narrow each night, but the shape is still a gibbous just the Moon gets thinner each night. As the Moon reaches the three-quarter goal during the month, the Moon shows us one side of the Moon’s disc. As the Moon completes its expedition, then the Moon approaches a new Moon again, which is called a waning

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