
The Most Dangerous Game Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The question that is usually asked is a one human life more valuable than another. To me the answer is no, you can’t really say that one is by the money they make, who they know, or how old they might be. In the short story The Most Dangerous Game General Zaroff said he hunted the “scum’ of the earth. He also said they need to live because what are they going to do for the community.
In my opinion all lives are equal-you can't place a monetary value on human life. People that measure other humans by the money that they make are not being smart because you can’t say someone's worth this much because how much they make, because that one who makes less may have worked harder than the person who makes more. Also you can’t put a value on a human’s life because you can’t put a monetary value on human life. You just can’t say oh he is better and should live over someone who maybe hasn’t done much with their life. Some people may ask if you should save the life of a 20 year old or a 70 year old. But why should you have to choose, you shouldn’t need to choose. If there was an option I would try an save both of them not just one of them. …show more content…

Because this man had to figure out how much money to give to the family’s that lost loved one’s in the attack. For example he would pay more money to the family whose loved one was a banker then pay less to a family whose loved one was a cop or a fire fighter. Later on in the passage he realized that it is not right to pay more just because of their job title or how much they make. He said,” My legal training would no longer stand in the way. This time all victims--students and faculty alike-- would receive the same compensation.” he did that for the families of people who lost their lives in The Virginia Tech shootings. He also believes that all lives should be treated the same, no one is better than

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