
The Most Dangerous Game And High Noon Analysis

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Most people have heard the phrase “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” However, in “The Most Dangerous Game” and High Noon, that would not be the most intelligent tactic to keep in mind. Sanger Rainsford, the protagonist in “The Most Dangerous Game,” is forced into playing General Zaroff’s game. During the game, General Zaroff tries to kill the misfortunate contestant, but is allowed only a pistol as a weapon, while the contestant receives just a knife, moccasins, and camouflage clothes. In the case that the contestant can survive for three days without being killed, he or she has won the game and is set free, or so they are told. Any sane human being would not want to keep their enemy close if that person’s main goal is to …show more content…

As soon as Miller puts Amy at risk of injury or death, Kane rushes to her aid and is willing to sacrifice his life for hers. Kane commands Miller to set Amy free if he surrenders their long and strenuous battle. He told Miller, “‘I’ll come out–let her go!’” (Foreman). Thankfully, Amy buys Kane time to shoot Miller by squirming around while she is in Miller’s custody. Subsequently, Miller falls dead and Kane throws his badge and gun in the dirt to show that he is officially done being marshal of Hadleyville. The theme of the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” is competition. In the beginning of the story, Rainsford does not comprehend that the species that are being hunted have feelings as well as the people hunting them. Rainsford decides, “‘The world is made up of two classes–the hunters and the hunted. Luckily, you and I are hunters’” (Connell). He later comes to the conclusion that the species that is being hunted has feelings and a life in addition to the person hunting them. As the story commences, Rainsford is a hunter; however, at the end of the story, he becomes the hunted. Rainsford’s entire mentality is morphed into the correct perception of the fact that everyone and everything is worth

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