
The Motivation Of Macbeth In William Shakespeare's Play

Satisfactory Essays

I am pretty sure I make up what Macbeth lacks in, in fact maybe even his better half. Without me he probably wouldn't have been able to do much, let alone become king. Macbeth has no motivation to make his desire become true, unlike me. Although I would never want to hurt my husband, I love him so deeply. He has been with me through everything. I think that the trouble Macbeth and I get ourselves into really strengthens us. I really also hope that the people in our town really give me the respect I deserve, just wait till they see me as the queen. Unfortunately my mind is not guilt free, there is so much I cannot take back or undo. If only there was a way to be sin free. Macbeth often tells me I'm a loudmouth and that I should stop always wanting

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